Comms w/c 13th June 22

Two male Year 7 students are seen sitting at a desk smiling at each other.

Dear Parents / Carers,

This week we have had visits from the Trust to review our Languages and SEND department as part of ongoing monitoring of how we can continue to be even better and ensure that the provisions we have in place for your children are exceptional. A variety of students met with our guests to talk through their experiences and provided incredibly mature, articulate feedback about how we are helping them to learn and further ideas of what we could do next year to continue to improve. We are very proud of all the students who took part and our visitors commented on how well they represented the Academy and they were extremely impressed with how exceptionally well behaved your children are in all their lessons. Next week we have similar reviews from the Trust in Science and English and look forward to the further feedback your children will provide about their experiences in these subjects. 

National Online Safety

We have been awarded a school accreditation for our whole school; community approach to protecting children in the online world.

view the press release letter

Jubilee Shadowplay Mural – Rainham Recreation Ground

Last term a selection of students who have shown a particular interest in Art were invited to take part in a workshop led by the MESS ROOM to create shadow images to then be painted on the Pavilion in the Rainham Recreation Ground to celebrate the Jubilee. There will be a launch event Sunday 26th June 11am – 2pm and all families are welcome to attend to see the art work they have created. This was a wonderful community project that two other local schools also took part in. 

Emergency Exits Arts Chatham Carnival

We have another exciting opportunity for our students to take part in a creative Carnival Workshop making costumes for a carnival that will be taking place in Chatham on Saturday 9th July. Please view a letter regarding the carnival and to decide if you would like your child to take part. 

ParentPay Top-up for Cucina Restaurant

As we have written previously, can families please ensure that their child’s ParentPay account is kept in credit so that they can buy lunches. I would like to remind parents that Cucina are only able to go into debt on a child’s account up to £5 – this allows them for 2 days worth of free lunches should the child’s account not be topped up so that they do not go hungry. Cucina staff explain at the tills to students when they have gone overdrawn so that they know they need to organise payment into their accounts and explain they will only be able to provide free lunches for the two days. 

Please find some handy tips on how to manage your child’s ParentPay account credit and to receive alerts about their balance. 

Hollywood Glam Prom – Message from the PTA

‘The PTA are looking forward to welcoming the children to the Prom on Friday 1st July, doors open at 5pm and the event will finish at 7pm. We have had some generous donations of help from parents and the community. The Prom is free to attend, there is a voluntary donation section on ParentPay if you want to contribute anything. There is no dress code, we encourage the children to come as whatever they want and feel comfortable in. This is a night for them to enjoy themselves and celebrate their first year in secondary school in a brand new school. If you have any queries in relation to the event please contact the PTA directly on

Time on site 

Recently some of our students have been dropped off by parents before the official start of the day and before staff are on duty. For their own safeguarding, can I please remind families that students should not be on site before 8am.


Despite high temperatures this week we have noticed a number of students still in their long sleeved winter shirts. Please can you ensure your child has short sleeved summer shirts that are appropriate for the weather we are likely to experience for the rest of this term. Where we are only one building, students are not out in the sun throughout the day when they transition to lessons which does help to keep them cool. When the weather is considered to be particularly warm, we will inform students in the morning about whether they are permitted to remove their blazers at lineup and between lessons. Students are always allowed to remove their blazers in lessons and at break and lunch should they wish regardless of weather. 

I would also like to take the opportunity to remind parents/ carers to ensure that you are encouraging your children to be actively involved in identifying when their school uniform needs washing, especially in the warmer months and to proactively use deodorants (only roll on deodorants are allowed on academy site). 

Pupil Premium and Free School Meals

We fully appreciate that families’ individual circumstances can change at any time, particularly following the uncertainties created in the workplace following the interruptions caused by COVID and other current international events. Please view the free school meals letter regarding this and how you can check your eligibility for pupil premium funding. 

The Globe Trip – Module 1

Mrs Plant has asked me to remind families that payment for The Globe Trip needs to be paid for this module so that we can guarantee the trip can run for the children in September. Payment needs to be made via ParentPay. Please contact the office if you are unable to make payment.


Yours sincerely,

Mrs Millward | Principal