Curriculum Intent Statement

Our science curriculum is underpinned by the understanding that all pupils, no matter their starting points, can master the powerful knowledge necessary to think hard, answer with precision, make informed decisions and actively engage in science. By sequencing from the concrete to the abstract, we provide the sticky foundations, allowing for meaningful sequencing to ensure the build up of a complex schemas of understanding and synergistic thinking; ensuring our curriculum is accessible for all pupils. The curriculum goes above and beyond the national curriculum by exploring key scientific concepts through a broad and diverse range of global, historical and socially significant ideas and events.  The curriculum promotes a profound passion for STEM, unlocking career potential. The science curriculum is committed to making learning ambitious yet accessible to all.  Its design reflects an understanding of why some pupils find science hard; its abstract and counterintuitive nature and broad and dense vocabulary, for example.

Key Concepts


Related Concepts


Statement of Inquiry

Earth is a dynamic system that is constantly interacting and changing.


  • Hydrologist
  • Geologist
  • Archaeologist

Inquiry Questions

Factual Questions

  • What is the structure of the Earth?
  • What affects the time it takes for different liquids to flow?

Conceptual Questions

  • How do magnets interact with the Earth?
  • How do magnetic fields interact with different metals?
  • How can we use a compass to plot magnetic field lines?
  • Is the Earth’s magnetic field changing over time?
  • How are the states of matter different and what are their properties?
  • How does changing the solute and the temperature of the solvent affect solubility?
  • How do human interactions with the world change the gases in the Earth’s atmosphere?
  • How does a change in atmospheric pressure affect Earth’s systems?
  • How do systems of particles change during a change of state?
  • How is water cycled on Earth?

Debatable Questions

  • Is the Earth’s magnetic field changing over time?
  • Do changes of state happen to all substances at the same time?

Key Concepts


Related Concepts

Form, Function

Statement of Inquiry

The material world can be explained through the relationship between form and function.


  • Forensic scientist
  • Pharmacist
  • Colour technologist

Inquiry Questions

Factual Questions

  • What is the structure of the Earth?
  • What do magnetic field lines tell you about the strength and direction of the magnetic field?
  • What affects the time taken for liquid to flow?

Conceptual Questions

  • How can we determine the purity of a substance?
  • How can we utilise the relationship between an insoluble solid and a liquid to separate them?
  • How can we utilise the relationship between soluble solid and a liquid to separate them?
  • How can we use chromatography to test for purity?
  • How can we use chemical formula to show the form of molecules?
  • How can we use word equations to show the relationship between products and reactants in a chemical reaction?

Debatable Questions

  • To what extent is mass conserved in a chemical reaction?
  • To what extent is there fair access to drinking water?

Key Concepts


Related Concepts


Statement of Inquiry

Changes to conditions on Earth have led to evolution.


  • Anthropologist
  • Microbiologist
  • Geneticist

Inquiry Questions

Factual Questions

  • What are the levels of organisation?
  • What are the functions of key organelles on plant and animal cells?
  • What are the conditions needed to observe cells on a microscope slide?

Conceptual Questions

  • How do atmospheric conditions compare on different planets?
  • How has the Earth’s atmosphere changed over time?
  • How can we transfer energy between different energy stores?
  • How do cells change to become specialised?
  • How have plant and animal cells evolved from bacteria cells?

Debatable Questions

  • To what extent can fossils be used to evidence evolution?
  • To what extent has microscopy helped us to evidence evolution?

Key Concepts


Related Concepts

Function, interact

Statement of Inquiry

Models represent how systems function and interact.


  • Medical doctor
  • Respiratory nurse
  • Fertility advisor

Inquiry Questions

Factual Questions

  • What are the levels of organisation in multicellular organisms?
  • What are the functions of the different parts of the reproductive systems in plants?
  • What are the functions of the different parts of the human reproductive system?
  • What are the functions of the different parts of the human digestive system?
  • What are the main components of a healthy diet?
  • What are the functions of the main parts of the human respiratory system?

Conceptual Questions

  • How are gametes different in plants and animals?
  • How is the female reproductive system adapted for gestation and birth?
  • How can models be used to demonstrate the adaptations of the small intestine to carry out diffusion?
  • How can we test for different food groups?
  • How do different deficiency diseases impact on the function of the human body?
  • How does alcohol interact with a developing foetus?
  • How do parts of the respiratory system interact to allow us to inhale and exhale?
  • How does smoking impact the function of our respiratory system?

Debatable Questions

  • To what extent could lifestyle factors affect health?
  • To what extent is using genetically modified food a risk free option for solving the world’s hunger crisis?

Key Concepts


Related Concepts


Statement of Inquiry

The relationship between force and energy enables progress in human capabilities.


  • Space physicist
  • Astronaut
  • Osteopath

Inquiry Questions

Factual Questions

  • What is the relationship between weight, mass and gravitational field strength?
  • What is the relationship between the mass and force required to lift?
  • What is the relationship between force and extension?

Conceptual Questions

  • How do different forces interact with different objects?
  • How do unbalanced forces cause motion?
  • How do different surfaces affect the force required for an object to move?
  • How can we prove the gravitational field strength of Earth?
  • How do the properties of bones link to their function in the human body?
  • How do relationships in antagonistic muscle pairs cause movement?
  • How is energy transferred between different energy stores during a rocket launch?
  • How can we use our knowledge of aerodynamics to test the effectiveness of different rocket models?

Debatable Questions

  • To what extent can we reduce air resistance to increase speed?

Key Concepts


Related Concepts


Statement of Inquiry

Exploration of systems involves risk and consequences.


  • Structural engineer
  • Surveyor
  • Electrician

Inquiry Questions

Factual Questions

  • What is resistance?
  • What are the seven types of electromagnetic radiation?

Conceptual Questions

  • How does current change in series and parallel circuits?
  • How does potential difference change in series and parallel circuits?
  • How does resistance change within a system when the length of wire is changed?
  • How do charges interact within a system?
  • How does sound travel through different systems?
  • How does light travel through different systems?
  • Why does day length change?
  • How can we explore the universe to further improve our understanding?

Debatable Questions

  • Are series or parallel circuits better for lighting?

Key Concepts


Related Concepts

Evidence, Analysis

Statement of Inquiry

Evidence of change is analysed to make decisions.


  • Botanist
  • Chemical analyst
  • Farmer

Inquiry Questions

Factual Questions

  • What is conservation of energy? 
  • What is the evidence that a chemical reaction has taken place? 
  • What is the word equation for photosynthesis? 
  • What evidence is there to suggest that root hair cells are adapted for their function? 

Conceptual Questions

  • How is energy transferred from one energy store to another? 
  • How can we analyse the efficiency of appliances to make informed decisions? 
  • How can we analyse the changes in the rate of photosynthesis? 
  • How is glucose used by plants? 
  • How can we analyse temperature changes to determine whether a reaction is exothermic or endothermic? 
  • How can we analyse the physical and chemical properties of metals and non-metals? 
  • How can we use patterns in the periodic table to predict the reactivity of chemical elements? 
  • How is evidence of chemical properties used to produce reactivity series? 
  • How can we evidence reactivity using metal displacement reactions?

Debatable Questions

  • To what extent does evidence support different methods for food production to make informed decisions? 
  • To what extent can we use evidence to make decisions on the reactivity of 4 unknown metals? 

Key Concepts


Related Concepts


Statement of Inquiry

There are risks and consequences to solving problems within systems.


  • Plant pathologist
  • Horticulturist
  • Asthma nurse

Inquiry Questions

Factual Questions

  • What is diffusion? 
  • What are the organs and tissues within plant organ systems? 
  • What are the risks and consequences of changing factors on plant gas exchange? 
  • What systems can we use to support the revision process?

Conceptual Questions

  • How do stomata support plant systems? 
  • How are alveoli adapted to carry out their function? 
  • How do we breathe? 
  • How are the lungs adapted to carry out their function? 
  • How do atmospheric pollutants increase the risk of respiratory disease? 
  • How do respiratory systems compare in different organisms? 

Debatable Questions

  • To what extent are there risks and consequences of current systems to treat plant diseases? 
  • To what extent does vaping reduce the risk of asthma attacks compared to traditional smoking? 

Key Concepts


Related Concepts


Statement of Inquiry

Relationships have driven patterns in migration.


  • Curator
  • Human ecologist 
  • Conservationist

Inquiry Questions

Factual Questions

  • What relationships affect populations? 
  • What is the relationship between distance, speed and time? 
  • What is the relationship between the speed of an object and the forces acting upon it?

Conceptual Questions

  • Why do animals demonstrate migration patterns between ecosystems? 
  • How can humans drive biodiversity conservation? 
  • How important is the relationship between insects and human food production? 
  • How can we represent the relationship between distance and time graphically to depict a journey? 

Debatable Questions

  • To what extent are producers the most important organism in the ecosystem? 
  • To what extent is the decline of the bee impacting on human food security? 
  • To what extent do the features of a peregrine falcon allow it to travel at faster speeds compared to other animals. 
  • To what extent did Scott use appropriate food rationing for his migration across Antarctica?

Key Concepts


Related Concepts


Statement of Inquiry

Changes can be represented through models of evolution.


  • Evolutionary biologist
  • Lecturer
  • Optician

Inquiry Questions

Factual Questions

  • What is the difference between communicable and noncommunicable diseases? 
  • What is the difference between transverse and longitudinal waves?

Conceptual Questions

  • How can we model human migration? 
  • How can we use patterns in pathogen emergence to model the evolution of pathogens? 
  • How can we model the spread of disease? 
  • How did the vaccine change how we approach medicine? 
  • How do pathogens evolve to evade treatment? 
  • How has the human eye evolved over time? 
  • How can we model how light interacts with different objects? 
  • How do light waves change when they come into contact with a reflective object? 
  • How do light waves change when they pass through different materials? 
  • How does the appearance of objects change in different colours of light? 
  • How can we prepare for summative assessments? 

Debatable Questions

  • To what extent can fossils be used to evidence evolution?

Key Concepts


Related Concepts


Statement of Inquiry

Modernisation of systems supplies clean energy for the home.


  • Heating engineer 
  • Energy consultant
  • Carbon trader

Inquiry Questions

Factual Questions

  • What is thermal equilibrium? 
  • What do power ratings show on domestic appliances?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of different energy sources in electricity production? 
  • What are the current systems for supplying energy?

Conceptual Questions

  • How can we model the effects of energy loss from a system? 
  • How is energy transferred by radiation and conduction? 
  • How can we prevent the loss of heat energy? 
  • How does the length of the candle affect the time in which a candle burns?

Debatable Questions

  • To what extent can insulation prevent the loss of heat energy? 
  • To what extent do all appliances contribute to energy costs equally? 
  • To what extent can electromagnets modernise systems for the future?

Key Concepts


Related Concepts


Statement of Inquiry

A successful infrastructure relies on balanced relationships.


  • Crane operator
  • Geneticist
  • Race horse trainer

Inquiry Questions

Factual Questions

  • What is the relationship between the work done, the force and the distance? 
  • What is the relationship between DNA and human characteristics? 
  • What is the difference between genetic and environmental variation? 
  • What is the difference between continuous and non-continuous variation? 
  • Who was Charles Darwin? 
  • What is evolution by natural selection?

Conceptual Questions

  • How are levers used to build infrastructure? 
  • How is energy changed when building infrastructure?  
  • How are different organisms adapted to survive when interacting with their environment?
  • How are Mexican Tetra Fish adapted to interact and survive within their ecosystem? 
  • How does the relationship between cattle farming and greenhouse emissions contribute to climate change? 
  • How has agriculture run off impacted upon the delicate balance of nature? 
  • How does acid rain damage infrastructure? 
  • How can UV exposure damage infrastructure?

Debatable Questions

  • To what extent do mutations cause changes in human characteristics? 
  • To what extent did Darwin and Doudna contribute to our understanding of where we came from? 
  • To what extent does selective breeding ensure stable food production?

Key Concepts


Related Concepts


Statement of Inquiry

Change is most effectively investigated with teamwork.


  • Pharmacologist
  • Database manager
  • School nurse

Inquiry Questions

Factual Questions

  • What is the structure of an atom? 
  • What are the four types of pathogen? 
  • What are antibiotics and painkillers used for?

Conceptual Questions

  • How was teamwork utilised to develop the atomic model? 
  • How can we use the periodic table to draw electronic configurations? 
  • How are ions and isotopes different from atoms? 
  • How can we calculate the relative formula mass of a molecule? 
  • How has the periodic table changed over time? 
  • How was teamwork utilised to discover the light microscope? 
  • How can we investigate the structure of a cell using a microscope? 
  • How can we calculate magnification? 
  • How have electron microscopes changed our perception of microscopic structures? 
  • How do cells change to carry out a specific function? 
  • How does the immune system fight off pathogens? 
  • How has teamwork resulted in modern vaccination programs?

Debatable Questions

  • To what extent are stem cells changing the way we approach medicine? 
  • To what extent have vaccinations reduced fatalities from common diseases? 
  • To what extent is drug development fair to humans and animals?

Key Concepts


Related Concepts


Statement of Inquiry

Capabilities can be advanced through researching structural relationships.


  • Material scientist
  • Jeweller
  • Telecommunications engineer

Inquiry Questions

Factual Questions

  • What is the relationship between the uses of a substance and its properties? 
  • What is the structure of the three states of matter? 
  • What is the difference between series and parallel circuits? 
  • What is the relationship between current, potential difference and resistance? 
  • What are the capabilities of direct and alternating current?

Conceptual Questions

  • How are the properties of polymers dependent upon their structure? 
  • How are the properties of small molecules dependent on the structure? 
  • How does the structure of diamond differ from silicon dioxide? 
  • How does the structure of metals allow them to conduct heat? 
  • How does the structure of metals allow them to conduct electricity? 
  • How can we calculate resistance? 
  • How can we investigate the relationship between resistance and the length of the wire? 
  • How have plugs advanced to improve safety? 
  • How does the structure of the national grid provide us with electricity?

Debatable Questions

  • To what extent do carbon allotropes advance our capabilities for the future? 
  • To what extent do alloys advance our capabilities for the future?

Key Concepts


Related Concepts


Statement of Inquiry

Economic profit depends on efficient system interactions.


  • Food analyst
  • Gastroenterologist
  • Dietician

Inquiry Questions

Factual Questions

  • What ions are produced when acids and alkalis are placed into aqueous solution? 
  • What is the structure of the digestive system? 
  • What are the different systems for testing for different food groups?

Conceptual Questions

  • How is the pH scale system used to identify acid and alkaline solutions? 
  • How do acids and bases interact? 
  • How do systems of weak acids compare to strong acids? 
  • How do enzymes interact with molecules in the human body? 
  • How do enzymes interact with food molecules in the human body? 
  • How is the small intestine adapted to interact with broken down food molecules? 
  • How does the liver support the function of the digestive system? 
  • How do different factors interact with the rate of a chemical reaction? 
  • How can I prepare for summative assessments?

Debatable Questions

  • To what extent does the price of an indigestion tablet affect its ability to neutralise stomach acid? 
  • To what extent is bacteria an important component of the digestive system?

Key Concepts


Related Concepts


Statement of Inquiry

Global relationships have consequences for equality and fairness (in sport)


  • Personal assistant
  • Sport ambassador
  • Surgeon

Inquiry Questions

Factual Questions

  • What is the relationship between density, mass and volume? 
  • What are the consequences of faulty valves?

Conceptual Questions

  • How can we apply the relationship between density, mass and volume? 
  • How is the temperature of a gas and its pressure related? 
  • How are the different components of blood adapted for their function? 
  • How does the structure of blood vessels relate to its function? 
  • How do poor lifestyle choices increase the risk of potentially serious consequences?

Debatable Questions

  • To what extent do the benefits of exploring Mariana Trench outweigh the consequences? 
  • To what extent is their fair and equal access to elite sport? 
  • To what extent is their fair and equal access to statins around the world? 
  • To what extent are surgical methods better for treating heart disease? 
  • To what extent is drug doping affecting fairness and equality in sport?

Key Concepts


Related Concepts


Statement of Inquiry

Laws are determined by evidence of safe systems.


  • Police officer
  • Mechanic 
  • Solicitor

Inquiry Questions

Factual Questions

  • What is aerobic respiration? 
  • What is metabolism?

Conceptual Questions

  • How can we use temperature changes to evidence exothermic and endothermic reactions? 
  • How are reaction profiles used to show exothermic and endothermic reactions? 
  • How do catalysts speed up chemical reactions? 
  • How do systems involving aerobic respiration compare to anaerobic respiration? 
  • How is yeast utilised in the system to make bread? 
  • How do different systems adapt when we exercise? 
  • How does the reflex arc keep us safe from harm? 
  • Why is it illegal to drink or take drugs and drive? 
  • Why are speed limits in place by law?

Debatable Questions

  • To what extent can we improve our reaction times with practice? 
  • To what extent do different factors affect stopping distances?

Key Concepts


Related Concepts

Development, Alternatives

Statement of Inquiry

Exploitation of finite resources requires change and development of alternatives.


  • Blacksmith
  • Refuse collector
  • Water treatment technician

Inquiry Questions

Factual Questions

  • What are the properties of metals and non-metals?

Conceptual Questions

  • How has the development of the blast furnace changed how we extract iron? 
  • How has the use of thermal decomposition developed as a method of extracting copper?
  • How can we develop hydrated copper sulfate crystals?  
  • How has desalination developed to obtain potable water? 
  • How can we use testing to detect changes in water sources? 
  • How can we use life cycle assessments to protect our finite resources? 
  • How can we use waste management effectively to protect our finite resources? 
  • How have we developed alternatives to heavy land use and deforestation? 
  • How is global warming changing different ecosystems? 
  • How do changes in biotic and abiotic factors affect ecosystems? 
  • How have different organisms adapted to survive? 
  • How can we use field investigations to monitor changes in an ecosystem?

Debatable Questions

  • To what extent is phytomining and bioleaching a better alternative for metal extraction? 
  • To what extent has Southern Water developed safe methods of treating water? 
  • To what extent can alternative systems be used to maintain biodiversity within an ecosystem?