Teaching (for example, CPD, recruitment and retention)
Budgeted cost: £80,233
Timely feedback from teachers will align student’s effort and activity with a successful outcome.
Evidence that supports this approach
Research by the Educational Endowment Foundation shows that providing effective feedback redirects and refocuses the student’s actions, raises their expectations and has the most positive impact on student’s progress.
Challenge number(s) addressed
1 and 2
Accelerated reading scheme. Disadvantaged students to be directed by English teaching staff to participate.
Evidence that supports this approach
Research by the Educational Endowment Foundation shows that reading comprehension strategies are highly effective.
Challenge number(s) addressed
1 and 2
Training through high quality IB specific CPD
Evidence that supports this approach
Research from the Educational Endowment Fund shows that continued investment and engagement in CPD, leads to better student outcomes.
Challenge number(s) addressed
1 and 6
Recruitment of highly effective teachers
Evidence that supports this approach
Research from the Educational Endowment Fund shows that highly effective teaching is crucial to raising attainment of all students including PP.
Challenge number(s) addressed
1 to 6