Author Archives: Leigh Academy Rainham

Prom- Friday 1st July 2022

Prom We look forward to hosting our first ever Prom on Friday 1st July 2022 [...]

Sports Day- Tuesday 5th July 2022

We are delighted to advise you that our first-ever LAR Sports Day has been scheduled [...]

LAR Spring Edition Newsletter

Since the start of 2022 students have experienced lots of wonderful opportunities for learning and [...]

Winning Attendance Form

Mr Naidoo’s form won the attendance hot chocolate Friday reward for having the best collective [...]

LAT Newsletter Easter 2022 – 1st Apr 2022

Please view the Leigh Academies Trust Easter 2022 Newsletter below! LAT Easter Newsletter 2022

We are Medway School Dodgeball Winners!

Today is the day that LAR took home not only 1 win but 2 wins [...]

Global Cooking

This week students had their last Global Cooking session of the year. They made their [...]

Diversity in the Library

Mrs Stewart has developed some lovely book displays around the themes of diversity in the [...]

Coding Club

Students have been developing their coding skills with Mr Naidoo. They have successfully applied these [...]